
Gears of War 3 'Season Pass' revealed

Microsoft has revealed a way for you to purchase DLC for Gears of War 3 that you've not seen yet. The 'Season Pass' is a 2400 MS Point (£20, $30) purchase that gets you four DLC packs that Epic will release for the game over the course of the next year. Those willing to pay actual money for products not even made yet will get an exclusive Liquid Metal Weapon set for their madness, and will in the long run will apparently pay 33 per cent less than someone who buys all the same DLC AFTER they've seen it and made the choice to pay for it separately. Sure, if you're mad for Gears of War and will inevitably take anything and everything Epic throws at you then it makes perfect sense. The Season Pass will be purchasable from launch on September 20. Microsoft says the first of the four DLC packs will be out in November. Mike Jackson

Kevin Butler's first new campaign Resist

Kevin Butler's released his first promo video since his fictional return to his fictional role as fictional Sony VP of Whatever.In the video, which lacks somewhat in funnies, sees him leading the resistance as gamers prepare to take on the Chimera in Insomniac Games' latest shooter, Resistance 3.For a more substantial look at the game check out this recent trailer showing off enemy weaponry.Resistance 3 is out in UK this Friday, and tomorrow in US. Mike Jackson

Little King's Story gets PlayStation Vita

Marvelous Entertainment is making a Little King's Story sequel for Sony's PlayStation Vita. That's according to Japanese gaming bible Famitsu (via Andriasang), which says the follow-up is titled 'The King, The Demon King and the Seven Princesses: New King Story.' We're guessing they won't be using the literal translation if it gets a western release.Details are scant, but the game's said to have a new visual style, a 'love' dynamic and it will be published by Konami instead of Rising Star Games.The original Little King's Story didn't make as big a splash as it deserved. We reckon it's one of the top Wii games and hope the sequel lives up to it. Tamoor Hussain


Links of TheFeed Vampires That Don't Suc

I know, I know, you’re sick and tired of vampires. The blood-sucking creatures have been dragged out to the sun by Hollywood, left to rot in all their sparkly glory. But this awesome gallery of pop culture icons as vampires is too good to pass up. Check out all the bloody good action in this week’s Links of TheFeed! New Avengers promotional image [FilmDrunk] Gears Of War LEGO Lancer is amazing [Dvice] What if your favorite character was a vampire? [Blastr] These Jurrassic Park characters are so selfish [CollegeHumor] The 25 worst yearbook hairdos of all time [SuperBooYah] Assassin's Creed meets Portal [UnrealityMag]

Ubisoft waiving Driver online pass fee

Ubisoft is currently not enforcing the previously announced online pass fee for Driver: San Francisco. Beginning with Driver, copies of the publisher's "popular core games" were supposed to ship with a valid one-time code required to access online multiplayer , while second-hand buyers wanting to get in on the action would have to pay 800 MS Points (about £6.85) on Xbox 360 and £7.99/$9.99 on PS3.However, incorrectly printed Uplay Passport codes in some copies of the game have forced Ubisoft to rethink its strategy, temporarily at least.Ubisoft said today: "When you begin DRIVER: San Francisco, you are prompted with the Uplay Passport menu. The menu has 4 options: "Purchase Uplay PASSPORT," "Activate my Uplay PASSPORT," "Start my 2-Day Free Trial," or "Remind Me Later"."There are two ways to access these online features: 1. Select Start My 2-Day Free Trial, which will not expire, OR 2. Select Purchase Uplay Passport, which will be provided at no charge. Either option will unlock the 11 multiplayer modes and the Film Director feature on console titles with Uplay Passport."Ubisoft has yet to comment on how long the Uplay Passport will be free for. Tom Ivan

A Tale in the Desert The Sandy Old MMO

By Remko Molenaar (Proxzor), OnRPG Journalist Have you always been fascinated by the work of Egyptians? eGenesis introduces you to A Tale in the Desert and will show you how people in the old Egypt crafted tools and handled their own business. Instead of killing monsters and gaining equipment and other features a normal MMORPG possesses, A Tale in the Desert teaches you how to craft your own set of tools to create items that you might need to unlock new technology.When you first start up the game and make yourself a new character it is time to learn the basics of A Tale in the Desert. You will start to learn how to gather wood and learn some other important crafting options through one of the schools or universities that are scattered all over the map. You can visit these schools that will help you learn to create some helpful tools. Leveling up your skills is done by crafting the same object over and over; after a while your character gets the hang of it and its success rate to craft that item will be higher.After the short tutorial you are given a list that you will need to find and create. After you have done everything that is put on the list, you will be an official citizen and can join the community in various projects. The crafting in this game is very easy, fun to use, and not terribly difficult to learn. For example, slate is found near water and with two pieces of slate you can make yourself a Stone Blade. With this Stone Blade and some wood you can make yourself a wood plane. This wood plane is useful for making wooden planks that can be used for other crafting recipes.Every skill and project that you have obtained is found by clicking on your character. Here a list of all available actions is presented in one easy menu. This also includes your fluff skills such as emotes. And if you want to change the looks of your character you can head over to the appearance tab to edit your avatar. If you are lost you can activate a compass along with using the positioning of the sun to find your way. Of course for the less adventurous, coordinates are provided to give you a general idea where you are on the world map.In the bottom left of your screen you can find your item menu. In the Items list you can find the items that you have gathered and have created in the world of A Tale in the Desert. You will also see how much you are carrying with you in terms of weight and bulk. Next to the items is a skill tab which allows you to keep track of your various skill progressions. There are so many skills in this game it made my head spin so you’ll be glad to have such a well presented menu organizing them all for you.Overall the objective of the game is simple. Do what you want! As a sandbox game you are free to just have fun and try to achieve whatever goal you care about at the time. If you are one of the hardcore players, you can aim to become to top of one of the seven schools and even gain a say in how the next iteration of the world will be designed after the world reaches its conclusion and resets. Currently A Tale in the Desert is just beginning Tale 5 so there’s still time to aim for the top.A tale in the Desert is quite an old game already and the graphics show this off. The game isn’t really looking that great and feels a little empty. Even though you have to create most of the environment yourself it feels a little dull and boring. To play this sandbox game you will need to have a Pentium 700Mhz processor along with 512 MB of RAM. You will also need to have at least a Geforce MX or a Radeon 9600+ video card in your rig running. If you have no idea what this means and you have no idea what kind of computer you’re currently running right now. I’d say everyone with a computer that is made in the last 10 years is easily able to run this game without any trouble.A Tale in the Desert is a fun game to learn about Ancient Egypt. The crafting element is everything in this game and designed well enough to keep you entertained for hours. Once in a while the world will reset itself and the law that is made up by all the players is deleted and started over so this game has a different outcome every time. Unfortunately there are still things that annoyed me during my play. The camera physics are ancient, unwieldy, and downright frustrating to maneuver. For looking around you have to place your mouse at the edge of your screen and looking up or down is not possible. A Tale in the Desert is a fun game but there’s no way it can compete in today’s market as a P2P game. Nonetheless A Tale in the Desert is a fun game to play that will teach you some history about the old Egypt, and lets you socialize with others in a way that doesn’t involve bashing heads in for once.

PS3 Sony drops 'It Only Does Everything'

Sony's introduced a new US ad campaign for the PlayStation 3, dropping its famous 'It Only Does Everything' slogan for 'Long Live Play'. SCEE's VP of product marketing, Scott Steinberg said the ads are designed to "celebrate gamers from all walks of life" and "recognize you for making us who we are today".He explained on the PlayStation Blog: "PlayStation has always been about the gamer and the PS3 is the ultimate portal to a land of infinite experiences and accomplishments. "PlayStation is reaffirming our commitment to gamers like yourselves with "Long Live Play" - mixing humor and a little good, clean fun with the kind of entertainment content you crave."We are committed to the continued expansion of the types of services and content that have made the PlayStation name synonymous with interactive entertainment and hope that through the 'Long Live Play' campaign our dedication to you, the PlayStation fans, truly shines through."He added: "For those of you who have friends that might be on the fence, I encourage you to invite them to come on over. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled because in the weeks to come we'll be turning the spotlight back on you, and you won't want to miss it!" Andy Robinson

Silkroad Online 6 Years Later

By Remko Molenaar (Proxzor), OnRPG Journalist Silkroad Online is an MMORPG that puts the player deep into ancient Chinese, Islamic, and European civilizations. The Silk Road was a major cultural and economic trading artery between Europe and China that stretched through a dangerous path of northern Eurasia. This is a ripe setting for an MMO all about combat and adventure!The game has been out for almost 6 years now and I decided to check out what has been added since the game has been released. Silkroad Online has been updated a lot since 2005 and even released 4 expansions in the meanwhile. Everyone knows Silkroad Online had great success when it started back in the day. The game received great scores from multiple big sites and the beta was a big success. The first day when the game got into beta, the servers were overcrowded and most of the people trying to connect had no luck with getting in. In the first few days Joymax had to open extra servers that got full the minute they went online. After this successful launch Silkroad Online had a little trouble maintaining the servers so everyone could connect and enjoy the game they wanted.When trying to connect to a server you would always disconnect and your game client would automatically close. I still remember that horrible situation where it actually took an hour to log into the game. Well that problem is long gone and the servers still remain overpopulated. Joymax has added 45 servers since 2005 and all these servers are highly populated. While you are waiting to connect to the server via the automatic login system you can now safely minimize without worrying about client crashes. This I would say is by far the biggest advancement Joymax has made towards improving my enjoyment of the game.Silkroad Online is a free-to-play MMORPG that is set in the 7th century, along the silk road between China and Europe. Back in 2005 you could only chose to play as a Chinese character, however with the Legend I update the European race and western world were added, making the world map twice as large!The other Legend expansions brought the level cap much higher which is currently level 110 where it was only 80 back in the old day. Also new areas got added where the players could level up and quest. There has been several updates concerning the PvP part of the game as well; in the Legend II expansion Joymax added a huge battleground and in the Legend V update people can visit the Job temple where hunters, traders and thieves can fight with each other.To understand this game you first need to understand the job system. In Silkroad Online it is possible to select a Job, though only one is available per account so choose. There are currently two Jobs to choose from which are the following:The Hunter dedicates himself to protect caravan NPCs from the thieves who seek to disrupt their trading activities. It is the Hunter’s job to protect the trader and bring down the Thieves smuggling operations.The Thieves are marauders who prey upon the merchant caravans who travel on the Silk Road. They try to rob these Traders on their trip and are the enemies of the Hunters. The Thief strives to gain wealth and honor through smuggling.Apart from what Job you choose to play exists the typical MMO class system. Each of the races has its own advantages, disadvantages, cities, weapons, armor and classes so choose carefully if you want to play a specific class. Classes each specialize in a different weapon that will dictate your fighting style. The Europeans have six classes to choose from which are the Warrior, Wizard, Warlock, Rogue, Bard and Cleric. The Chinese are masters of the mysterious energy of the martial force and are skillful with five different weapons: the sword, blade, spear, glaive and bow. They also use 4 types of Forces: Ice, Snow, Fire and Water. They can also practice Windwalk which makes them able to move faster.Silkroad Online also has a Crafting System. With the Crafting System you can directly create the items that you need. The crafting procedure is so easy; anyone can easily use the Crafting System. You can find recipes from monsters and some recipes are automatically obtained upon achieving the required level. Recipes can also be obtained from the General Store NPCs and the required items, according to the character’s level. Each recipe lists the material required for the crafting of the item. Once you have gathered all the necessary materials you can create the item through the ‘Craft Item’ menu. If you have enough materials you can craft multiple items at once to save time.To play this quality game you are required to have at least a processor with 800 MHz. Along with a 32 MB 3D graphics card and 512 MB Ram plugged into your motherboard. If you have no idea what kind of computer you are running but you have bought your computer around the year of 2005 I am sure you are able to run it just fine.Joymax has to be proud of their game; Silkroad Online is a wonderful game that had great success at launch and continued to expand on that success to create a really well defined game in 2011. They are also actively cracking down on botters that caused the community much grief over the years. Silkroad Online used to have a bad image concerning these ‘botters’ but have greatly reduced their numbers since 2008. Silkroad Online is a free-to-play game with a lot of fun gameplay elements to keep the player addicted and busy for quite a while. The game offers a lot of content for both PvP and PvE enthusiasts. I had a lot of fun playing this game back in the day, and I really enjoyed the game while testing it again. If you like a game with a lot of features and great support with updates and expansions from time to time I strongly advise you to try out Silkroad Online.


Red Dead Redemption 'Myths & Mavericks' s

Rockstar has released new screenshots of Red Dead Redemtion's upcoming free download content, the Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack. As Rockstar explained in its original announcement: "The Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack will feature new fan-favorite multiplayer characters by popular demand (including a certain grizzled ol' gunslinger as pictured above) as well as new multiplayer locations for players of Deathmatch, Grab the Bag, Gang matches and other popular online modes to get busy in."A full list of the content is through here.Rockstar says the free DLC, headed to both PSN and Xbox Live on September 13, comes "as a show of appreciation for the awesome long-term support for the game's multiplayer modes since its release in 2010". Mike Jackson

Xbox Live Chief We Don't Want to Appear

In the throes of the 23-day PlayStation Network Outage, when people were vowing they'd sell their PS3s and go join Xbox Live, Microsoft's most provocative comment was a low-key prediction that it would see more traffic on its service. Yesterday, though, Xbox's senior executive finally said what's bad for the goose is bad for the gander."It's bad for the industry that this has happened to Sony," Dennis Durkin, the chief operating officer of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business, told IndustryGamers. "[W]e don't wish that upon anybody and you've seen we've been actually pretty quiet on the subject because we don't want to appear to even be looking to be taking advantage of somebody else's situation like that. That's just not in our DNA," he said.It's polite and professional, and just plain sensible PR, to not revel in your rivals' multibillion-dollar misfortunes. But what probably inform's Durkin's there-but-for-the-grace-of-God perspective is the fact that Xbox Live is shifting its attention to "the cloud," i.e. to servers that the bad guys can (and, likely, eventually will) attack.So while Durkin says Microsoft does "everything it can to be sure users' data is secure," he did say that "it is the consumer's responsibility also to do a number of things to try to protect their data," such as not using the same password across multiple sites, especially super-important ones. Like Xbox Live.Xbox COO on PSN and Hacking: We Do Everything We Can to Protect Xbox Live Data [Industry Gamers]

Portal 2 Peer Review DLC Video How Not

Portal 2News (64)Previews (9)ReviewVideos (57)Screenshots (85)Cheats and Walkthroughs (51)Portal 2News (61)Previews (8)ReviewVideos (54)Screenshots (85)Cheats and Walkthroughs (52)Portal 2News (81)Previews (9)ReviewVideos (59)Screenshots (85)Cheats and Walkthroughs (1) Our new intern Dan and our old video-guy Donell were tasked with making a video where they show off Portal 2's new "Peer Review"DLC. In spite of it being a simple assignment, the video you see below is the best they could do.Seriously. That's as good as they could play the game. They weren't trying to play one-handed. There wasn't an earthquake while they were capturing the footage. No one was blasting an air-horn at them at random intervals as they played.This video is as good as they are. Enjoy...if you can. How Not To Play Portal 2 "Peer Review" DLC »


Assassin's Creed Revelations Multiplayer

Assassin's Creed: RevelationsNews (30)Previews (10)ReviewVideos (29)Screenshots (6)Cheats and WalkthroughsAssassin's Creed: RevelationsNews (31)Previews (10)ReviewVideos (29)Screenshots (6)Cheats and WalkthroughsAssassin's Creed: RevelationsNews (28)Previews (10)ReviewVideos (29)Screenshots (6)Cheats and Walkthroughs Assassin's Creed:Revelations will be upon us in just a few short weeks, and while we wait, X-Play's Morgan Webb got the chance to talk with Ubisoft Live Team's Andreane Meunier about the ways multiplayer is going to be even better than before. Get the scoop on the new modes you'll be playing. Assassin's Creed: Revelations Multiplayer Preview »

Prius Online Interview My Anima and Me

Questions by: Bryan King, OnRPG JournalistAnswered by: Jooyoung Chung, Senior Producer for Prius OnlinePrius Online has been in full release for about three weeks now, and today, I got the chance to talk to Jooyoung Chung about Prius Online’s past, present, and future, as the game chugs onwards to continuously add content as well as implement new events for the community to enjoy. Prius Online is a free to play anime-themed MMORPG with tons of cool features. Read below to find out more!Jooyoung: Hi, my name is Jooyoung Chung and I’m the Senior Producer for Prius Online. As the producer, I not only handle daily operations but also try to ensure that the game runs smoothly and has the best game play experience possible. In order for that to happen, I must work very closely with our various internal departments and our developer in Korea.Jooyoung: Yes, Prius has a very in-depth and fascinating storyline for players to discover. Prius is actually a Latin word meaning “first” or “before,” and in the game Prius is the first star created by the god Hooul before he sacrifices himself to save the world. Players now find themselves fighting for survival in a world devastated by the loss of its creator. We’re planning to introduce Prius’ lore continuously over time, but if you want to find out more feel free to visit our website at prius.gpotato.comJooyoung: There are no core mechanical differences between the Korean and the North American versions yet, but we’re constantly researching our market and players’ preferences in order to shape the game appropriately. The results of this research helped us try to recast features in order to fit the game to our players. In fact, we’ve already benefited from a delayed release. Since Prius has been out roughly 3 years, we’ve been able include many polished features, including optimized battle systems, new dungeons, and elaborate questing.Jooyoung: When the general market thinks of F2P, a lower standard of quality and item shop dependence often comes to mind. We’re working with the developers to distance ourselves from these stereotypes. We constantly seek feedback from the community and work very hard to incorporate that feedback to improve the game. We’re also putting a lot of effort into attempting to make the player experience as complete as possible by ensuring that quality items can be obtained through game play as well as online purchases. For example, you can buy mounts in the item shop or earn them through your Anima’s taming skill.Jooyoung: The Anima is a mysterious force with a myriad of helpful and destructive capabilities to unlock. As players progress through the game they’ll have the chance to change her disposition and emotional responses, shaping her unique abilities. She’ll prove to be an engaging and supportive companion.The Gigas on the other hand are veritable behemoths, able to take down armies of enemies with ease. Players will be able to control them during intense battles. Many different kinds can be found throughout the world, and in our latest update you’ll see even more powerful Gigas via the Giga’s Awakening System.The Anima and Gigas are both unique aspects of Prius’ game play that make up the core of the Three Character System (3C System). Each not only helps you battle against the fiercest of foes, but is an intrinsic element in your character’s destiny. As players progress through the game, they’ll learn more about their relationship with the Anima and the future that awaits them.Jooyoung: Prius features seven starting classes, each with its own layer of customization and skills allowing for multiple styles of gameplay. Here’s a quick breakdown of each:Gunslinger– A force to be reckoned with at close and long distances. This class has an arsenal of pistols and rifles to fire away at unsuspecting foes.Occultist– Harnessing both ice and fire to create impressive and deadly attacks, they can immobilize through frost or engulf their enemy in flames.Huntress– Equipped with bows and daggers, these female warriors can tap into the Spiritual World to support themselves and allies in times of need.Berserker– They rely on brute force and approaching their enemies head on. Berserkers are notorious for their high damage attacks and their ability to absorb punishment.Legionnaire– Legionnaires are feared warriors that rain down continuous blows. Using their intelligence, they hone in on opponents’ weaknesses and strike.Shadow Templar– Though physically not as strong as other classes, they make up for their lack of strength with ingenuity. Armed with a rapier and mysterious Gauntlet, they possess the ability to reverse incoming attacks to take out fierce opponents.Minstrel– This class is part of the female-only race known as the Beriah. They use lutes infused with mystical powers to sway the outcome of battle. Their tunes are both beautiful and deadly.At level 25, players have the added bonus of being able to change into one of two master classes, expanding on their original class.Jooyoung: The communities’ feedback was tremendous. We recently conducted a survey targeting issues relating to open beta, and we got very informative and positive responses. Interestingly, the biggest complaint we saw was regarding the previous IP restriction.Originally we opened Prius to only North America and Europe, but after the survey we found out our audience spanned the globe. Many of these international players were also already very dedicated to the game, having been active on our social networks and forums for some time. After several talks with the developer we finally got the OK to remove the IP Block, letting players everywhere enjoy Prius as of July 2nd.Jooyoung: Prius has very strong PVP systems: Open World PK Mode, the Coliseum, Siege Warfare and the intriguing Bounty Hunter System. Most of these have been available throughout CBT and OBT, and the remainder went live on July 27th.Here’s a brief description for one of our exciting new features:Siege Warfare: To start we’ll be opening this feature in only one Metropolis, but eventually implement it in other cities as well. When a guild reaches level 5, the guild leader can register for Siege Warfare. Guilds will be placed either on the offensive or defensive side of a Castle Siege battle. If your guild wins the siege, you’ll gain numerous rewards including special mounts, costumes, and other in-game goodies!Jooyoung: The active voices on our Forums made it clear that there was a dire need for more instanced dungeons. While we were planning to originally release them all in our Official Release patch, we chose a more proactive approach. With some persistence and a few late nights, we were able to convince our developer to let us release a portion of the content early. Our hopes of satisfying the community seemed to really pay off, and with the big update just released we expect our players will have plenty to explore for some time to come.Jooyoung: We released our latest update on July 27th. Including the several instance dungeons I mentioned before, there’ll be a good deal of content pushed through this time around. Players can look forward to a level cap increase to 60, 8 new skills per class, 3 new regions, Siege Warfare and more. Players can track the updates via our official news posts on prius.gpotato.com.Jooyoung: In Prius, cash items are 100% optional and not required for game-play. Players have access to almost everything in-game, including protection items, mounts, and even some costumes. The entire game and all its dungeons, regions, and features are also completely open for players to enjoy. I’m positive players won’t feel cash items are required for this game, and we’re all working hard to stress this.Jooyoung: Both. Those new to MMOs will find some great, unobtrusive tools in game that help the players along when needed, but all players will find a deep, challenging world to explore.Jooyoung: You can solo with no real difficulty, as there are a good number of quests to occupy your time, but it seems our community prefers group play. Luckily, we have a very easy-to-use party system, private and group chat rooms, and even a fast-paced PVP coliseum that any player can enter at any time.Jooyoung: The Prius team and I very much hope our players will enjoy the new update and all the tremendous features we’ll be rolling out. We also want to encourage everyone to continue providing us with more feedback so we can carry on creating an F2P game fit for our exceptional community.OnRPG also sent ColbyCheeze into the world of Prius last weekend. Be sure to check out his video impressions HERE.

No Money Check Out These Great Games

If you need some new games, but are on a tight budget; X-Play's Morgan Webb has four great games for $10 for you. The best part is you don't even need to leave your couch! In other words, these are some games for cheap-ass bastards like you! Games for Cheap Bastards 9.27.11 »


FIFA 12 Kaka video interview

EA's launched a new FIFA 12 video interview with Kaka.We'd have preferred some fresh gameplay. Instead we get to find out what his favourite goal is, how he relaxes and more.He also says he's honoured to be on the cover of the game (we're not sure in which country). EA unveiled the UK box art for FIFA 12, featuring Man Utd's Wayne Rooney and Arsenal's Jack Wilshere, late last month. Tom Ivan

GoldenEye Reloaded Multiplayer Video

GoldenEye 007: ReloadedNews (5)Previews (4)ReviewVideos (8)Screenshots (13)Cheats and WalkthroughsGoldenEye 007: ReloadedNews (5)Previews (4)ReviewVideos (8)Screenshots (13)Cheats and Walkthroughs Anyone above a certain age remembers GoldenEye for the N64. Eating pizza and fragging friends in split-screen back in the days is my favorite gaming memory of all time, so I'm down for anything GoldenEye. Idon't know if the multiplayer for GoldenEye: Reloaded is going to help me relive my misspent youth, but I'll give anything a try. It will be out for the 360 and PS3 this fall.Check out the multiplayer trailer below. GoldenEye 007: Reloaded Multiplayer Trailer »

Duke Nukem Forever STILL in development a

Development of Duke Nukem Forever began in 1997 and it's seemingly ongoing, as Gearbox moves to make significant tweaks and overhauls in a PC patch released this morning. The long, long in development shooter - which was globally panned by critics - has seen its dedicated servers overhauled, various graphical and performance updates and the introduction of a four-weapon inventory system.We can't wait until the finished game is out.Here's the full PC change list, with console patches expected soon: 4-weapon inventory option for single player MP Server favorites Dedicated server overhaul FOV can be modified Change VOIP to push-to-talk (bandwidth fix) VAC anti-cheat system enabled Support for Japanese Steam ID's for PC release in Japan Auto-aim fix Blood effects on surfaces behind enemies when shot Steam.exe no longer uses an unusually high amount of CPU Texture quality improvements Fixes to prevent single player and multiplayer save data corruption Leaderboard exploit fixed AMD Dual-Core Optimizer no longer automatically installed (fixes rare bugs with Intel processors) Crash/compatibility fixes and other minor bugs Andy Robinson


Modern Warfare 3 Hardened Edition is $100

The full-fat Hardened Edition of Modern Warfare 3 will set you back $99.99, Activision has confirmed. Confirmation comes after several online retailers seemingly jumped the gun with listings at that very price. The full package will include a year's subscription to the Call of Duty Elite service as well as other bonus content listed through here. With Activision's Call of Duty XP event having taken place this weekend we've got our hands on the game's reinvented multiplayer mode to deliver you our impressions and tons of video. Mike Jackson

US Nintendo downloads

This week's list of new US Nintendo downloads brings eight more games, videos and apps to Wii, DSi and 3DS. Super Nintendo action game The Ignition Factor, which hit the Japanese and EU Wii Virtual Console stores month ago, has finally arrived for US Wii gamers, along with Game Boy platformer Gargoyle's Quest on the 3DS Virtual Console. Here's the full list:Nintendo eShopGARGOYLE'S QUEST - The Ghoul Realm is threatened once again. As the gargoyle Firebrand, you are destined to become the Red Blaze - the same powerful force that fought back the Destroyers so long ago. (For Nintendo 3DS)Nintendo VideoBlue Man Group, "Upgrade Your Life" - Ding Dong! It's the Upgrade Your Life Kit via special delivery for Blue Man Group! Hit the red button to change your world and upgrade to 3D with a flip of a switch! Available Aug. 26 at 3 p.m. PT.(For Nintendo 3DS)Moving Still - No surprises at the starting point, no surprises at the point of arrival. To feel the monotony of a recurring journey made too many times. Available Aug. 30 at 3 p.m. PT. (For Nintendo 3DS)Virtual ConsoleThe Ignition Factor - Take control of a brave firefighter as he battles to save people from towering infernos and flame-filled factories. Can you keep your cool and save everyone in a constantly changing environment? (For Wii)Also new this week: Let's Create! Pottery (Nintendo eShop / Nintendo DSiWare) Magical Whip: Wizards of Phantasmal Forest (Nintendo eShop / Nintendo DSiWare) Calculator (Nintendo eShop / Nintendo DSiWare) Kyotokei (demo version) (WiiWare)As always, you can check out videos and screenshots for some of the above titles through the source link. Mike Jackson

Battlefield 3 Caspian Border PC Hands On

Battlefield 3News (54)Previews (17)ReviewVideos (37)Screenshots (24)Cheats and WalkthroughsBattlefield 3News (50)Previews (17)ReviewVideos (35)Screenshots (24)Cheats and WalkthroughsBattlefield 3News (60)Previews (17)ReviewVideos (39)Screenshots (24)Cheats and Walkthroughs The Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Beta has been going strong, and while players have been limited to only the "Operation Metro" map, PCgamers got to test out a new battle ground -"Caspian Border." This PC-only map is exactly what gamers have been asking for. It's big enough for 64 player matches and includes the vehicles that the Battlefield series is known for. Check out our gameplay video for "Caspian Border" below. Battlefield 3 Beta "Caspian Border Map" Gameplay Video »


Carmack Games help 'reduce aggression'

id man and Doom mastermind John Carmack believe videogames can actually help reduce aggression rather than cause it. "People just play games now and I never took seriously the violence in video games debate," he said in an interesting chat with Industry Gamers. He went on to recall an E3 where reporters would bombard him with questions over the violence in games debate. "In the end it didn't matter, it didn't make any impact on things. I never felt threatened by it and it turned out not to matter," he said. "And I really think, if anything, there is more evidence to show that the violent games reduce aggression and violence," added Carmack. "There have actually been some studies about that, that it's cathartic. If you go to QuakeCon and you walk by and you see the people there [and compare that to] a random cross section of a college campus, you're probably going to find a more peaceful crowd of people at the gaming convention. I think it's at worst neutral and potentially positive."The Call of Duty series has recently once again come under fire after Oslo mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik called Modern Warfare 2 a "training simulator" for his distressing actions. But according to clinical psychologist Christopher Ferguson - an expert on video game violence and mass killings at Texas A&M International University - those who seek to make the connection between games and violent acts aren't just wrong. They might well be racist. Why? Read his explanation here.

New Diablo 3 screens and artwork

Blizzard has launched a large batch of new Diablo 3 media, including screens from the beta and fresh artwork. If that's not enough for you, check out this newly released eight minute gameplay movie from the beta.Earlier this week Blizzard revealed that Diablo 3 will have a new auction house feature that will let player buy and sell items with real money, leaving CVG editor Tim Ingham feeling a little uneasy. Tom Ivan

id 'Sometimes our fans drive us nuts'

id Software's described the huge expectation from its loyal following, telling Xbox World 360 magazine, 'we love our fans - but sometimes they drive us nuts'. Speaking in XBW's latest issue, creative director Tim Willits explained that even though id's latest shooter Rage offers driving, shooting and RPG elements, fans will still find holes to pick in it."The worst thing is that everyone wants the kitchen sink and everything else too," he said."For Rage, we're doing all these things and yet people are like 'Well I can't blow up these boxes', and I'm like 'Are you serious? We have driving, racing and all these cool characters!' 'But in this other game I can blow up boxes', and I'm like, 'This other game doesn't have any racing in it!'"It's crazy. Fans: I love them but sometimes they drive us nuts!"In the same interview Willits revealed that the long-in-development FPS is 'basically done'. Publisher Bethesda also released a fistful of screenshots yesterday.Rage is out on October 7.Buy Xbox World 360 online and have it delivered to your door. Andy Robinson


Snoop Dogg Shouts Out Morgan Webb

Everyone at G4 knows already that Morgan Webb is straight ride or die, but guess who noticed too? Snoop Dogg himself! The D-O double G took time out of his busy schedule to give a YouTube shout to Webb.. and you won't believe what he called Adam Sessler. Check it out:Is this the beginning of a Sessler-Snoop rap-war that will rival the East Coast vs. West Coast battles of the mid 1990s?We can only wait and see.Snoopy even tweeted a desire to appear on X-Play. I'm not in charge of booking guests for the show, but if I was, I'd be all, "Right this way Mr. Doggy Dog! Your dressing room is on the right!"

Driver PC DRM requires constant internet

Ubisoft has revealed that the PC version of Driver: San Francisco will require players to be constantly connected to the internet. The Driver store page on Valve's service lists "3rd-party DRM: Ubisoft's Online Services Platform" in its game details section, and Ubisoft community developer Mathieu Willem confirmed on the official Driver Twitter: "PC version requires permanent internet connection."Ubisoft first revealed its controversial DRM in January last year, saying it was "justified by the gameplay advantages offered by the system and because most PCs are already connected to the internet". It went on to say the measure "offers protection against piracy, an important business element for Ubisoft and for the PC market in general".However, it later loosened its policy so that players only needed to be online when booting up PC titles.

Lawsuit Says Sony Laid Off Security Worke

A new lawsuit alleges that Sony fired workers in its network security operations two weeks before a cyberattack brought down the PlayStation Network.Additionally, the suit charges that Sony paid millions to secure sensitive information online—its own corporate secrets. Customer data didn't receive the same level of treatment, says the suit, brought by PSN customers, who seek class action status for their complaint.PlayStation Network was entirely dark for 23 days, from late April to early May, following a crippling cyber attack that exposed millions of customers' private information to hackers. Credit card information is believed to be among the data lost, though that hasn't been confirmed. Sony has offered its account holders free identity theft protection, among other considerations for returning customers.This complaint, filed in federal court in San Diego on Monday, says Sony dismissed "a substantial percentage" of the Sony Online Entertainment workforce, including many from its network operations. The suit cites a confidential witness as the source of that information. The suit says Sony should have known it was it increased risk of attack because it had experienced smaller breaches in the run-up to the April 20 outage.In late April, Sony laid off 205 SOE employees, calling it "a strategic decision to reduce costs and streamline its global workforce." SOE's Denver, Seattle and Tucson offices were closed as a result. No mention was made of network operations in the company's statement at the time.Kotaku has contacted Sony Computer Entertainment America for a response.The case is Cotorreal et al v. Sony Corporation Inc. et al, 11-1369.Sony Laid Off employees Before Data Breach—Lawsuit [Reuters]


The War Of The Worlds XBLA Side-Scroller

Other Ocean Interactive has done some beautiful work on the upcoming digital download release, an adaptation of the classic H.G. Wells alien invasion sci-fi novel, The War of the Worlds. Looking at it, it's easy to think back to another downloadable feast of eye candy from last summer, Playdead's Limbo.Fortunately, it looks like we won't be waiting much longer for Other Ocean to drop the side-scrolling platformer, provided you're an Xbox 360 owner. The game comes to XBLA on October 26, the developer confirms on its Facebook page. PlayStation 3 and PC releases will follow "soon."Source: Facebook

Sony PS Vita to miss 2011 release in US

You heard it here first: Sony has confirmed a 2011 release date for PlayStation Vita in Japan, but the handheld won't hit Europe or the US until next year. Sony executive vice president Kaz Hirai announced the news today in Japan, according to the Associated Press.It's disappointing news for those outside of Japan, but we've heard US and European gamers won't have to wait too long for the portable's arrival. Sony had promised a "phased global rollout" starting later this year, and our sources indicate Vita will hit western markets in January or February. When it does launch in the UK, Vita will set you back £229 for the Wi-Fi model and £279 for the 3G version.If you can't wait until next year to get your hands on the device, Vita will be publicly available during the Tokyo Games Show this September. Or for the price of getting out to Japan, you could just import one - Vita is expected to be region free. Tom Ivan

Halo 4 director quits, cites 'lack of exc

Halo 4's not out until late 2012 but Microsoft has already seen a key departure from its dev team in creative director Ryan Payton, who's confirmed he has left the company. The ex-343 Industries man - who joined the Halo 4 team after his acclaimed work as assistant producer on Metal Gear Solid 4 - put his decision down to not being "creatively excited" for the project anymore.Payton's now started up his own studio, Camouflaj, and is already working on two new titles."I had a great run at Microsoft," Payton told Kotaku. "I don't regret one day of it. But after a few years, there came a point where I wasn't creatively excited about the project anymore." "The Halo I wanted to build was fundamentally different and I don't think I had built enough credibility to see such a crazy endeavor through," he added.Payton's work on MGS4 included updating the series' often clunky controls, plus balancing the game and story for international audiences. "It was all a crash course on AAA game development," Payton said of his MGS days. "It was an experience that prepared me for a big budget, high risk project like Halo."Though his NDA prevents him from talking about his Halo 4 work in depth, Payton confirmed he was very much focused on the story, working with Halo franchise director Frank O'Connor and the creative team to develop the Halo universe. He also hired MGS4's audio director Sotaro Tojima as Halo 4's audio director. "There's no doubt that his Japanese sensibilities will bring a lot to the new game and I'm confident the game is going to sound epic," he said. Andy Robinson


Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D Video V

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3DNews (5)Previews (4)ReviewVideos (13)Screenshots (14)Cheats and Walkthroughs X-Play's video review for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D delves into the age old question: Should I buy this game? Adam Sessler details the reasons this game is fun, but flawed. If you would rather read, we have theResident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D review available too. We're all about options here at G4. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D Video Review »

The War Of The Worlds XBLA Side-Scroller

Other Ocean Interactive has done some beautiful work on the upcoming digital download release, an adaptation of the classic H.G. Wells alien invasion sci-fi novel, The War of the Worlds. Looking at it, it's easy to think back to another downloadable feast of eye candy from last summer, Playdead's Limbo.Fortunately, it looks like we won't be waiting much longer for Other Ocean to drop the side-scrolling platformer, provided you're an Xbox 360 owner. The game comes to XBLA on October 26, the developer confirms on its Facebook page. PlayStation 3 and PC releases will follow "soon."Source: Facebook

Deus Ex Human Revolution video crashes i

Fresh on the heels of the first Deus Ex Human Revolution review scores arriving, CVG's been sent a new video of the game.As you can see below, it's the follow-up to the 'Four Pillars of gameplay' video you may have already seen on this very site. Good times.Deus Ex: Human Revolution is due for release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC next month.


Catherine sells 200k copies in a week

Bizarre Japanese drama adventure game, Catherine, has sold 200,000 copies in its first week on sale in US. Atlus confirmed the news with a picture of a Catherine-themed cake with the message: Congratulations: 200,000 sold in the first week".The firm has since replied to request for more info saying, "We don't comment on numbers. We just eat cake". Fair enough. The firm's VP of sales and marketing, Tim Pivnicny, did however tell IGN yesterday, "Catherine has exceeded our highest expectations.""Catherine can boast the largest launch in the 20-year history of Atlus, and continues to see strong sales at retail," he added.The game launch in US on July 26 on PS3 and Xbox. After a long wait for UK gamers, Deep Silver has signed a deal to publish it here later this year.Can we haz cake? Mike Jackson

Nintendo sued over Wii Remote technology

Nintendo has been sued by technology firm ThinkOptic for allegedly knowingly infringing on one of its patents. The patent in question manages to make the Wii Remote sound like the dullest object in the world. It describes "electronic equipment for handheld vision based absolute pointing system". ThinkOptic claims Nintendo knew (or should have known) ahead of time that it would be infringing on the patent with the release of the Wii.Two other patents are also mentioned in the case, one describing a "Handheld Device for Handheld Vision Based Absolute Pointing System" and another outlining a "Handheld Vision Based Absolute Pointing System".With the above in mind, ThinkOptic has claimed that Wii U will also infringe on its patents.It's not been a good morning for Nintendo, particularly if rumours of troubled Wii U development prove to be true. Tom Pakinkis

Japanese 3DS sales crash in advance of pr

3DS sales plummeted in Japan during the week Nintendo announced plans to cut the portable's price by over a third later this month. Sales of Nintendo's portable were down from 31,826 units to 16,415 during the week ended July 31, while PSP sales jumped by over a third to 36,659 units.Elsewhere, PS3 retained its slim lead over Wii, shifting 20,704 units to the Nintendo console's 18,232, Andriasang reports.Everyone's Rhythm Heaven for Wii came in at No.1 on the software chart for the second straight week, ahead of new entries Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos for PSP and Devil Survivor 2 for 3DS, while the PS3 versions of Operation Flash Point: Red River and Dungeon Siege 3 entered at No.11 and No.18 respectively.Weekly hardware sales (previous week) PSP: 36,659 (26,854)PS3: 20,704 (23,343)Wii: 18,232 (17,114)3DS: 16,415 (31,826)DSi LL: 5,267 (5,258)DSi: 4,625 (4,921)Xbox 360: 1,616 (1,546)PS2: 1,594 (1,475)DS Lite: 138 (155)PSP go: 7 (14)Weekly software sales (lifetime) 01. Everyone's Rhythm Heaven (Wii, Nintendo) 81,938 (200,112) 02. Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos (PSP, Namco Bandai): 66,959 (New)03. Devil Survivor 2 (3DS, Atlus): 63,008 (New)04. Sengoku Basara Chronicle Heroes (PSP, Capcom): 22,520 (105,318) 05. Taiko Drum Master Portable DX (PSP, Namco Bandai): 21,915 (137,825) 06. Wii Sports Resort (Wii, Nintendo): 20,424 (441,889) 07. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2011 (PS3, Konami): 19,703 (173,201) 08. Inazuma Eleven Strikers (Wii, Level 5): 18,941 (129,724) 09. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2011 (PSP, Konami): 18,248 (118,653) 10. Hakuouki Reimeiroku Portable (PSP, Idea Factory): 16,414 (New) Tom Ivan


InFamous 2 Festival of Blood - Witness t

Sony has launched a new trailer for InFamous 2: Festival of Blood, a standalone expansion for the open-world game which was announced at GamesCom last month. Arriving in October as a downloadable game on the PSN, Festival of Blood sees super-charged protagonist Cole McGrath take on an invasion of vampires across New Marias.The trailer, dubbed Witness the Resurrection, offers a sneak peek at one of developer Sucker Punch's trademark cool-looking cutscenes. If you want to read more on how the studio makes them, you can read a detailed summary of its PAX Prime panel, 'A Panel on Panels: Creating the Comic-Inspired Cutscenes of InFamous 2', over at SuckerPunch.com.For more on Festival of Blood, check out the reveal trailer. Tom Ivan

First Grand Slam Tennis 2 screens

EA Sports has lobbed over the first screens for Grand Slam Tennis 2. Announced earlier this month and set for release in 2012, the game's in development for PS3 and Xbox 360.It'll offer Move support on PS3 and a mixture of current and classic stars on both platforms. Check out the full feature list here once you've given the screens an eye over. Tom Ivan

Syndicate Release Set For February 21 In

Project Redlime [Untitled]News (3)PreviewsReviewVideosScreenshotsCheats and WalkthroughsProject Redlime [Untitled]News (3)PreviewsReviewVideosScreenshotsCheats and WalkthroughsProject Redlime [Untitled]News (3)PreviewsReviewVideosScreenshotsCheats and Walkthroughs Things are moving awfully fast for Syndicate now that people actually know for sure it's a thing. Electronic Arts announced Starbreeze Studios' work on "Project RedLime" years ago, but only confirmed this month that it revisits the classic cyberpunk series. And now there's a release date.Syndicate arrives in the U.S. on February 21, with a release in Europe following days later on February 23. Kudos to the developer and publisher for keeping a lid on the game for so long. EA will start showing it off to the press next month, so expect to hear more soon about how Starbreeze is applying its trademark touch to the series.Source: Kotaku


Yakuza Dead Souls Trademark Suggests Wes

Sega's zombified Yakuza game, Yakuza: Of the End, arrived in Japan on June 9 of this year. Fans of the series in other parts of the world have been waiting for some news of a global release, and it seems that they might soon have an answer.Sega picked up a trademark in Europe for Yakuza: Dead Souls (via CVG), which seems like a safe bet as a more English-speaking audience-friendly title for the zombie-infused Yakuza game. This is in no way confirmation that a Western Of the End release is coming, but it's a good start.The Yakuza series is a funny beast. Part-open world RPG, part-brawler, part-minigame fest, part-something completely unclassifiable, it is capable of hitting any number of gaming pleasure centers in the space of a single hour. Adding zombies to that mix seems like a recipe for awesome; here's hoping fans in the U.S. and Europe get to find out.Source: OHIM (search trademark number 010291482)

Change Your Gamertag For Cheap Xbox Deal

The Xbox Deal of the Week this week is a bit of identity-shifting on the cheap: For the next seven days, you can change your Xbox gamertag for 560 Microsoft Points, that's 30 percent less than the usual cost of a gamertag change, so this is the perfect chance to go deep undercover... although, sadly, your friends will instantly see your new handle, and, by extension, know that you felt the need to change your identity.Here's a step-by-step guide: On your console, sign in using the Xbox LIVE gamertag that you want to change. Go to My Xbox, and select your gamertag. Select Change Gamertag. Note the Price of the change, and then select Enter New Gamertag or Get Suggestions to view possible gamertags. Once you enter or select a new gamertag, select Yes, use this gamertag.I'd like to make a suggestion, Xbox Live community: If your gamertag contains any reference to 420, change it. It makes you look like a tool. Also: Racist Gamertag Guy: Stop advertising your ignorance! Also: If your tag says "leet" or any variation thereof, get rid of it. Also: Mixtures of upper and lowercase with Xxx at the beginning or end are OUT. In fact, just use your full, legal name, like Ido.Yes, my parents named me XXxx SniperEliteForce XXxx Johnson.

Soul Calibur 5 director details 'Critical

Soul Calibur 5 director Daishi Odashima has unleashed a barrage of details for a new 'Critical Edge' system being worked into the new fighter. "Critical Edge is a new attack system that delivers high damage to the opponent," he said, adding that it "can be used in combos" and "requires 1 Critical Gauge bar".He goes on: "The Critical Gauge can be charged up to 2 bars. So some characters can connect 2 Critical Edges in a row."A small portion of the Critical Gauge can be used to perform Brave Edge; a powered up versions of standard attacks (character shines when used). The properties change depending on the move; increase damage, adds additional attacks, gives advantage on block, changes hit property etc."He later details some of the ways players will be defending themselves in the new Soul Calibur. "There are 3 defensive systems. Quick Move can be performed by tapping the same direction twice. Kind of like a faster version of the [8-way Run] 8WR," he explains. "[It's] similar to SC2's evasion but doesn't have invincible frames. It's very easy to do and can be used by beginners too," said Odashima.Fight fans gathered at the Evo 2011 fighting championships in Las Vegas last weekend where they got the chance to try out Soul Calibur 5 - and share the love by uploading tons of videos to the internet.


Diablo III Countdown Character Classes

By Remko Molenaar (Proxzor), OnRPG JournalistFrom now on I will be writing a series of articles until the release of Diablo 3. I will be talking about several features in the game that are quite unique and aren’t used in many role playing games. Diablo is a known franchise made by Blizzard Entertainment and is popular because of its unique role playing hack and slash game style. Diablo 2 has been a very popular game throughout the years and still has a solid community playing it every day. Now the question is ‘What will make Diablo 3 much better than its previous title’? I will give you an introduction about the many aspects Diablo 3 has announced, and show you what might make this game one of the best role playing games ever released. The game was first confirmed on June 28 in 2008 and since then a lot of videos and screenshots have shown us some jaw dropping features that every RPG fan has been waiting for since the invention of MMOs.. In the first series I will be talking about the story and the current announced classes in Diablo 3.The game takes place in Sanctuary, this is the dark fantasy world known in the Diablo series. This world was saved twenty years prior by a handful of unnamed heroes in Diablo 2. Warriors that have survived the onslaught brought by the armies of the Burning Hells have gone mad from their ordeals. It is now up to the new generation of heroes to face the forces of evil threatening the world of Sanctuary.Diablo 2 was known to have the following classes: The Amazon, Necromancer, Barbarian, Sorceress and Paladin. Later in the expansion the Druid and Assassin were introduced into the world of Diablo 2. There are currently five classes announced for Diablo 3 but there might be more added into the game. The current five announced classes are the:The Witch Doctor is a new character reminiscent of the Diablo 2 Necromancer, but his skills are different and are more associated with the voodoo culture. The Witch Doctor has several abilities that make this class a lot of fun to play. The class is able to summon monsters,jimmy choo boots, cast curses, harvest souls and hurl poisons plus explosives at his enemies. Blizzard stated the following about the Witch Doctor, “The Witch Doctor is not another version of the Necromancer.” They may incorporate the Necromancer in a future expansion if they so desire. To power spells the Witch Doctor uses mana,cheap jimmy choo, which regenerates slowly.Video youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMbagdEF1tc The Barbarian is an original class played in the previous Diablo games and is known for his close combat fighting style. The Barbarian is a powerful melee fighter with several powerful skills that makes sure the player is always engaged in life and death action. This class is capable of dual-wielding weapons and his combat masteries allow him to specialize in different types of weapons. The Barbarian is able to use several awesome skills and powerful strikes such as whirlwind and leaping strikes. The Barbarian uses fury as his energy resource, which is generated by attacking enemies, getting attacked by enemies and through several abilities. Fury degenerates when not in a combat state.Video Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byy723gTSQQ The wizard is a changed version of the sorceress in Diablo 2. The Wizard has abilities involving casting lightning, fire and ice at their enemies,jimmy choo outlet, often resulting in terrible status effects. They are also able to slow time and teleport which makes this class quite versatile. The Wizard fuels his spells with Arcane Power. Arcane Power is a fast regenerating power source that will help the Wizard with his spells.Video Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbsODnb1VYo When you will think about the Monk you would probably think about a healing supporting class. This is not the case in Diablo 3; the monk is a melee close combat fighter specializing in martial arts. The Monk is able to cripple foes, resist damage, deflect projectiles, and attack with a blinding speed and land explosive killing blows. It combines the Diablo 2 assassin class with the holy warrior role of the Paladin. The Monk is fueled by Spirit, which has defensive purposes and is slowly generated through attacking, though it does not degenerate which makes this a powerful melee fighter to watch out for.Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31VpcWV2R9E The Demon Hunter is a class that uses crossbows as its main weapon; they are also able to throw small bombs at enemies as a means of defensive CC. Some of the skills have been revealed and among them is the arrow skill, Chain Arrow. The Demon Hunter is fueled by Discipline and Hatred. Hatred is a fast regenerating source that is used for his offensive attacks while Discipline is a slow regenerating resource used for defensive abilities.Video Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6_eZgxWU24 Currently we haven’t seen everything about every class yet. We have seen some gameplay videos but it’s clear that Blizzard has quite a few tricks still up their sleeves. Since no Diablo III release date is announced yet, I still have time to bring you updates sharing the tid bits being thrown out to appease the masses. The current list of classes however look superb and I cannot wait to try them out. Every class has its unique style of playing that makes this game a different experience with each character you play.Next article I will be discussing the extensive rune concept of Diablo III and how it can completely overhaul your skills!

Early Access Realm of the Titans Titan Sk





Bulwork- Greatly reduces ranged physical damage,cheap jimmy choo

Group Heal- Instantly heals your teammates by a small amount.。

Unstable Shield- Shields damage to a set limit. If this limit is reached during the duration, the shield explodes, causing aoe damage to all nearby enemies.。

Fireball is a very offensive artillery focused Titan Skill and its amping options reflect that. Elemental stones can be used to increase the maximum damage of the fireball, increase the distance that the fireball can be fired from, or lower the cooldown following each use of the fireball. The Core Element allows the fireball to penetrate units and continue forward, though the total damage is reduced by half on each enemy impact.。


Stealth- Go invisible after a short ritual. When you exist stealth, movement speed is increased for half the duration that you were in stealth.。

Lifesteal- Adds hp lifesteal effects to your skills。


Weak Point- Attacks cause additional damage to creeps (minions).。










Ice- Adds a slowing effect to all your skills。






Amping is the process of increasing the utility or power of an individual Titan Skill. This is done through the acquisition of elemental stones acquired either through a treasure box reward given at the end of a ranked match or by purchase through battle points earned over the course of many arena battles.。

Meditation- When marked as in a non-combat state, your passive mana regen increases.。


Heal- Recover a portion of your personal hp over the course of 20 seconds.。

Although there is much I don't have time to cover in the world of Titan Skills, this article would not be complete without a basic introduction into the process of Amping. For those familiar with League of Legends' Mastery System, this is probably the closest to an equivalent you will find in ROTT.。

Realm of the Titans reinvents this system by introducing exchangeable Titan Skills. Though you can only have one skill active at a time, you have the option of changing it out for one of 25 Titan Skills every 150 seconds. I really fell in love with this system as it allows you to change out your Titan Skill to adjust to an ever changing situation. I'll explain more on potential tactics involved with this system after introducing you to all 25 Titan Skills!。

By Darren Henderson (DizzyPW), OnRPG Editor-in-Chief。

Teleport- After a short casting time, allows you to teleport to your team's furthest controlled building on a given lane.。


Purify- Defensively can be used to remove debuffs against your team. Offensively it can strip enemy's buffs away.。






Sapping- Adds a mana burn effect to your skills. A portion of the mana burned from the enemy is converted into hp damage to the enemy as well.。


Logistics Master- This one requires a bit of explaining. There are neutral shops on both Omeka Divide and Titan's Eye set in between the main lanes. Since you can't 'blue pill' or teleport back to your core base without a scroll in this game, these shops become vital for upgrading your items while losing minimal experience from minion farming. However since both sides can access these shops, it tends to become a place of intense battle in higher skill level games. The Logistics Master skill makes these shops even more vital as it allows you to gain a massive increase to hp and mp regen while standing within range of neutral shops.。

Corrosive- Adds a defensive reduction hex to your skills. This hex can stack multiple times, excellent for rapid fire combo skills.。

This is DizzyPW and I'm back with another look at the exciting features of Aeria Game's upcoming MOBA, Realm of the Titans. In my last article I introduced what ROTT does well in terms of standard features among the MOBA genre. However now it's time to go into the details of the Titan Skill System, a signature system that really sets ROTT apart from the competition.,jimmy choo boots

I would love to talk more about ROTT but NuttyKitten and Platypus are demanding I go with them to Harry Potter right this instant. I guess my discussion of the different Heroes will have to wait until next time,jimmy choo outlet! Look forward to the conclusion and ColbyCheeze's first impressions video later next week!。

Stealth combined with the purchase of wards was also invaluable for gaining superior map awareness of the jungle. It also makes opponents weary of using the neutral shops to heal as stealthed champions could spot enemies on their way to the shop via wards and set up an invisible ambush for them while they were scrolling through the shop's item list.。

Frenzy- Increased attack speed and movement speed at the cost of defense.。


Aura of Ruin combined with Unstable Shield on our squishies provided an excellent counter measure to heavily melee dps focused teams. The decreased magic defense from Aura really made the unstable shield pack a punch when it went off, as well as giving our mages an edge in an otherwise unfair battle.。

Aura of Ruin- Reduces Magic Resistance of all enemies within 950 units. Does not stack with teammates using Aura of Ruin.。

Thunder Power, the Titan Skill associated with adding an aoe damage to your basic skills, has many utility buffs available if amped. The elemental stones can be used to grant it an increased aoe range, bonus damage to the aoe damage, or even an increased chance of activating when using a skill. If you slot the rare Core Element into Thunder Power, it will give the skill a 10% increased chance to activate following each failed activation while using a skill. Thus if you didn't get your aoe effect to appear when using a skill 9 times in a row, it would be nearly a 100% bet that it will happen on the 10th skill.



Assault- Bonus Damage and adds a chance to stun when an enemy is stuck multiple times in rapid succession.。



Sapping Power and Weak Point also proved to be very powerful early game Titan Skills. Sapping Power was great for disabling dangerous enemy carries by adding additional harass to not only their mana supply, but also their hp (which is quite low early game). Weak Point was an excellent skill for high damage heroes to bring as the creep waves in Realm of the Titans are formidable foes and last hitting them is a high skill based endeavor. The extra damage from Weak Point made this process much more accessible, particularly for heroes with attack animations you weren't used to yet.。

There were many tactics that we found to be quite useful during our hands on preview of the game. In long games tanky dps characters seemed to rule the battlefield. By taking the Ice Power on our support champions, we learned it became increasingly easy to shut these heroes down by blocking them from reaching their targets. This would force tanks to switch away from skills like Iron Will to Purify in order to maintain their effectiveness, which would at the same time lower their defense and make them much easier to harass in poking battles.。



Divine Blessing- 1.5s invincibility. However you are unable to move or attack for this duration.。






Redemption- Reduces Revival Time.。





Thunder- Gives your skills a chance of causing aoe damage。


Iron Will- Increases Defense. Defense increases more as your hp gets closer to 0.。


Marking Trap- Allows you to lay traps around the map. Enemies who step on them take noticeable damage over time and reveal their visibility to the enemy team for a short period.。

A common issue in League of Legends and other MOBAs is the inability to properly plan out the use of your 'summoner' type skills for random match ups in the match making system. In these games you enter a match with 1 or 2 skills at your disposal and are stuck with them for the remainder of the arena battle.。


There are 4 elements and 1 Core Element involved and 7 total slots available to amp each Titan Skill. Depending on the element you place into your Titan Skill, different results will occur! This is best demonstrated with a couple examples:。



Fireball- Long Range sniping attack. Does less damage as it travels through enemies on the way to the target.。

Insight- Gains vision of targets you attack for a short period of time. Useful for artillery champions trying to scout as well as blocking enemies from returning to stealth.。



Power Transfer- Steals enemy's mana and converts it into your hero's hp.。


While some Titan Skills seem stronger than others, there is much in place to make nearly every Titan Skill available useful at some point. The way this is done is with cooldowns and mana costs associated with each skill. Some very powerful skills like Divine Blessing have much longer cooldowns than others like the “Power Set” that are quite spammable. The high mana cost associated with skills make powerful Titan Skills like Fireball less viable on melee dps heroes but much more attractive on ranged magic heroes. Thankfully the Titan Skills are neatly organized into the categories of offense, defense, and utility to make them easier to find in the heat of battle. Although not currently implemented, the production team was very open to our idea of introducing a hotkey feature to quickly cycle between Titan Skills so hopefully we will see this in the near future following launch.。





Yakuza creator readying 'big announcement

Yakuza creator Toshihiro Nagoshi will be making "a big announcement" tomorrow. That's according to a report from Andriasang,jimmy choo outlet, which reports that Nagoshi will make his mysterious announcement at a press conference in Tokyo. Japanese site Nico Nico Video reported the news initially and said that it will be broadcasting the press conference live.That's all the information we have at the moment so what exactly the Monkey Ball man is about to drop on us is anyone's guess.Yakuza games are known for coming thick and fast so we wouldn't be surprised if it was a brand new addition to the series,cheap jimmy choo, even though Yakuza: Of The End was released in Japan a mere couple of months ago. It debuted at number one,jimmy choo boots, after all. Tom Pakinkis


UK CHART Deus Ex holds off Driver, Bodyc

Deus Ex: Human Revolution holds the No.1 spot on the UK All Formats Chart for a second straight week despite a 46 percent drop in sales. The highest new release is Driver: San Francisco at No.2, with the Xbox 360 version accounting for 53 percent of sales.Long-time former chart-topper Zumba Fitness is at No.3, ahead of and Rugby World Cup 2011 and Lego Pirates of the Caribbean.Madden NFL 12 debuts at No.6, while Call of Duty: Black Ops, Cars 2, FIFA 11 and The Sims 3 round off the top ten.The only other new game to make the top 40 this week is Bodycount, which enters at a lowly No.36.GfK/Chart-Track Top 10 (week ending September 3):01. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Square Enix)02. Driver: San Francisco (Ubisoft)03. Zumba Fitness (505 Games)04. Rugby World Cup 2011 (505 Games)05. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (Disney)06. Madden NFL 12 (EA)07. Call of Duty: Black Ops (Activision)08. Cars 2 (Disney)09. FIFA 11 (EA)10. The Sims 3 (EA)Leisure software charts compiled by Chart Track, (C)2011 UKIE Ltd Tom Ivan

Dead Island 45 minutes of gameplay foota

IGN has uploaded a huge Dead Island video showing off the first 45 minutes of the game. See the game kick off in the hotel before encountering your first zombie, meeting with other survivors and taking your first steps into the great outdoors. Obviously MASSIVE spoilers for anyone planning on absolutely grabbing the game when it hits shelves this Tuesday in US and Friday in UK, but offers a great insight for those who are still undecided. And if you're backing out in fear of spoilers, just watch this awesome launch trailer instead. Mike Jackson

Batman Arkham City - Joker's Carnival DL

Tesco is offering an exclusive Joker's Carnival Challenge Map to customers who pre-order Batman: Arkham City. Here's the official description of the DLC: "Are you brave enough to step into the Joker's house of fun? Can you defeat armies of deranged killers in a fight to the finish, hosted by the clown prince of crime in a twisted game show where the only prize is survival?"Tesco says those who pre-order the game will receive a code to unlock the content within two business days after their order ships.Yesterday, Microsoft revealed a very cool-looking Batman: Arkham City themed Xbox 360.The latest two batches of Arkham City screens have shown off Penguin's museum and Mr Freeze. Tom Ivan


Early Access Dream Drops

By Darren Henderson (DizzyPW), OnRPG Editor-In-ChiefYesterday marked the first day of Gamania's Taiwan Game Show and the beginning of their spectacular line up was Dream Drops. For those familiar with Lucent Heart, you will find yourself right at home as Dream Drops is developed by the same team and takes Gamania's usual style and pushes it to the next generation.In Dream Drops you take on the role of a 'sleepwalker' aka a human who is temporarily transported into the world of dreams to help bring some clarity to the chaos befalling the world of After Dream. Apparently Time Thieves have stolen the Time from children's classic fairy tales, resulting in bizarre alterations to Fairy Tales. Most notably, the Queen of Hearts has gone from savage and maniacal to focused and goal driven, leading the Elder Board in a hunt to catch the Time Thieves. Meanwhile Snow White has gone Barbie and is attempting to seize control of all of After Dream the only way a Barbie Girl knows how, creating a seductive clothing line called Silver Waltz!Although the Queen of Hearts has summoned you to the world of After Dreams, don't let your guard down. She is still vicious and ready to turn on you as soon as you no longer serve her purposes. The story line and cast of characters in Dream Drops is twisted, full of appearances like Hook, betrayal, and mystery.In terms of gameplay, Dream Drops takes the classic 4 class model and reimagines it with the tank becoming a Nutcracker, the mage becoming a Dream Painter, the cleric becoming a Pasty Chef, and the summoner as an Indian Warrior. While they serve these rolls in a familiar way, their skills are nothing but imaginative. For instance the Pasty Chef (pictured below as Pedo Bear) attacks enemies with giant ice cream cones, heals allies with candy, and spills milk on people for the pure joy of being Pedo Bear. As a side note, it seems each class will have a different starting area, so expect some replayability should you choose to sample the 4 classes.Guild Cities also play a very important role in Dream Drops. Guilds will be able to collect materials and rare blueprints in order to construct buildings in their town, offering useful buffs and rare crafting locations. The town construction itself is quite detailed, to the point that you can literally spell out words from an aerial view of your city with trees, fountains, crafting houses, and other buildings. As your guild grows, so too does the amount of land available for you to build upon.Of course it would be sad if this joy was limited to only the Guild Leader (as it is in most games), but the 5 tiered guild member ranking system in Dream Drops can be used to give limited access to the town builder to your closest guildies. This way you can come together and work in unison to build the perfect Guild Town for your group of friends.Now one of the major problems in the past with Guild Towns is that smaller guilds often lack the number of members to effectively run quests, gather materials, and build a prosperous guild town. Dream Drops partially alleviates this problem by allowing Guild Leaders to post player generated quests on a billboard in their Guild Town. Non-guildies can accept these quests, and work to fetch materials for the guild like little mercenaries. This does come at the cost of Guild Leaders having to fit the bill on the quest reward but it's a step in the right direction when players can generate their own quests for any purpose.In true Lucent Heart fashion, Dream Drops offers plenty of ways to customize your character without limiting your viability. Gem stones can be placed in a cross pattern on the character screen (with the horizontal bar focusing on physical and the vertical focusing on magical) to bolster your character's stats beyond their base level stats. This is entirely different from the fashion sets that can be obtained from the cash shop as well as various quests, offering you incredibly detailed character customization without having any impact on your character stats. Level requirements are also placed on the fashion, reserving the best looking items for players dedicated enough to reach endgame. Approximately 9 slots for fashion exist as well, so it shouldn't be too difficult if you try to reserve a unique look for yourself.As you level up, you gain access to new class promotions (2nd tier classes not yet announced!) as well as new skills to master, most consisting of 10 levels of upgrading. In fact so many diverse skills are available to you that it will take a good amount of time to eventually master all of the skills, and players will be forced to specialize themselves while leveling to maximize their power. This comes with a nice aesthetic bonus however as skills actually change in animation the closer they are to maximum level. This can range from some added sparkly particles to the Nutcracker charging on a glorious steed instead of wooden rocking horse.To keep things interesting, various events and minigames occur daily and change daily in Dream Drops. Players will be given a handy in-game calendar to keep track of these events and can even edit it to ignore certain events or send reminders to themselves and guildies for important calendar events. Speaking of convenient features, you can actually access both your mailbox and auction house from anywhere in the world! These even includes accepting mail attachments while out grinding mobs. The true Time Thieves are MMO companies that have forced players to return to town for these mundane tasks and Dream Drops is out to rectify this injustice.Though the game isn't even slated for release yet, the developers promise that the feud between Snow White and The Queen of Hearts is only the beginning. Expect an infusion of Asian fairy tales to join the roster of American and European stories in a post launch expansion!

Steam offers From Dust refunds

Valve has reportedly begun offering refunds to customers who purchased From Dust following complaints over publisher Ubisoft's online DRM. According to Rock Paper Shotgun, customers were originally informed that the god game would only require a one-off online activation, before Ubisoft changed its mind and started demanding an always active internet connection to launch the title.Ubisoft subsequently apologised for the "misunderstanding" by announcing plans to launch a patch for the game that that will remove online authentication DRM entirely, but it now appears to have gone a step further by asking Steam to offer refunds. If true, it's a big move by Steam, which doesn't usually offer refunds unless they're requested prior to a game's release.A couple of readers forwarded emails from Steam to RPS. They read: "Ubisoft has just announced that they are working on a patch that will eliminate the need for any online authentication for From Dust. The patch will release in approximately two weeks. If you don't want to wait for the patch or if you haven't played the game, per Ubisoft's request, we will issue refunds for this title. If you would still like your purchase of From Dust refunded, please reply to this ticket." Tom Ivan

PlayStation Vita Launch Window To Include

Sony has announced that there will be 100 PlayStation Vita titles available during the Vita launch window. Unfortunately it wasn't exactly made clear during their press conference just when the window starts or when it goes until, but that's a hell of a lot of games.Some that were mentioned include FISH ON, Dynasty Warriors, LittleBigPlanet 2, Wipeout, UMC, Uncharted, Enverybvodys Golf, Ridge Racer, Michael Jackson, Field, BlazBlue Extend, and Lord of Apocylpse. Titles like Tales of Innocence, Gravity Daze, Metal Gear Solid HD Edition, Fifa, and others will follow sometime after launch. Does this many games seem too ambitious for the PS Vita's launch, or are you excited about all of the variety?


Uncharted Waters Online Arrgh Mateys

By Vincent Haoson, OnRPG Journalist With Uncharted Waters Online finally being officially released, I return to Koei's seven seas F2P MMORPG hoping to see the changes made upon the game's release. Unsurprisingly nothing really has changed with an addition of a few add-ons to the game to which I will elaborate later on.However, before I get ahead of myself (plus I don't want to assume everyone has read my preview) I'll go through the explanation of what the game is about for the benefit of those who stumbled into this review.Uncharted Waters Online is a sea-faring F2P MMORPG from Koei, yes, the company who brought us the Dynasty Warriors series is now venturing into the online market as well (they also brought said franchise to the online market too). The game puts you in the shoes of a either a seafaring merchant, maritime or adventurer in about 16-18th century Europe. Uncharted Waters Online is actually an online spin-off of an old NES and SNES game of the same title.Uncharted Water Online gives you three paths to adventure in-game. You either be the free-spirited travel and discovery centric adventurers, or be the money-centric merchants or the swashbuckler of the seas, maritime.The job classes are easy and self-explanatory enough for anyone who has played any MMORPG. As for those who would be experiencing their first ever MMO in UWO need not fret because the game provides you with a "training course" to help you understand the game's controls and gameplay.The training course in UWO is pretty long-winded and tedious. In fact you can't even skip it so expect the game to treat you like a 10-year-old. The training course is disguised as an "academy course" where you are trained to be an effective sea farer. While other MMOs give you the option to skip it, in UWO it's a prerequisite.Actually, if you're the impatient type (like me) your patience will be tested right then and there. Of course the training awards you with easy fame and experience points, both of which are pretty important in the game.When you mention fame in MMOs you'd expect the usual cosmetic add-ons you'd get in the form of titles or what not. However, in UWO fame is as important as your level. In fact, if you want to get to places in UWO you'd have to be "famous" or you won't be able to dock or even explore other areas.There's also another feature in UWO that you'd normally expect as something "cosmetic" or rather something inconsequential for gameplay. And that's the emphasis on your character's looks and disguise.In terms of your character's "looks" this is translated into Formality Points. The idea behind the formality point system is that better looking characters have a higher sway in the social aspects of the game. To be honest, it's a nice game concept really, but you won't really get to feel the full effects of it till you start fiddling with the investing system. Of course its common sense that investors would want to talk to a spiffy seafarer rather than a dirty pirate, and the NPCs in this game are no different.On the other hand you need to also "disguise" yourself if you plan to visit ports and countries controlled by the moors. Being a "Christian" in the game would mean you are only limited to visit "Christianized" areas and you'd need to "disguise" yourself if you ever want to visit other areas.UWO's gameplay is pretty simple, you dock on ports, explore cities, trade, handle pirates, players or even sea creatures and that's that. The game uses a skill system where every level up would allow you to use more skills in whatever tree you choose. You can start out as an adventurer but have skills from the maritime or merchant tree or vice versa.Also, the game really feels like you are a seafarer with all the emphasis on ports, travelling on ships and even cargo carrying for trade. The game really tries hard to make the game feel authentic and they don't disappoint there.From ship maintenance to hiring your crew and even more in travelling on the sea, you will get your wits tested from allocating resources, stocking up on supplies and having to think tactically on how your ships are fitted.If you want an online game that'd deliver the sea faring experience of the age of discovery, then this is your game. In the spirit of making things authentic, the battles in UWO are tailored similar to actual naval battles of old. There are no instant WIN buttons here but instead you have to angle your ship to be able to fire (if you have only side cannons). You can also "ram" enemy ships if you have the proper equipment or board the other ship if you have enough crewmates to take over.With the release of the game the inclusion of an item store is expected, and the good thing about the premium store of UWO is that the things players can purchase aren't game breaking. In fact most of the bonuses you can purchase in the game are mostly related to ship travel, exp gain or even cosmetic add-ons and that's that.Overall, UWO in its released form still retains a lot of the things that I enjoyed from my first impression preview. The game is still a skill grindfest and the long winded tutorial still got on my nerves. My fear of any balance breaking addition to the game was unfounded with the premium store only providing convenience rather than boosting player's capabilities to get an upper hand.I also like how the game tries hard to be as authentic as it can be. With everything down to the ship maintenance, add-ons and little nuances that really create an ambiance matching the great age of discovery.Of course the only problem is that your characters look more Asian than European, but really that's just nitpicking.Graphics - 3/5 Controls - 4/5 Features - 4/5 Customization - 2.5/ 5 Community - 3/5

Activision funds live-action Modern Warfa

The official Call of Duty Youtube channel is hosting a Modern Warfare 3 video with a twist - It's actually a spin-off sequel to the live-action COD film, 'Find Makarov' that took the internet by storm earlier this year. Activision announced at the Call of Duty XP event in Los Angeles last week that it's fully funded the sequel to the original fan flick, which first appeared via a teaser site back in February and whipped up a Modern Warfare 3 reveal frenzy.At the time Activision distanced itself from the fan-film but is clearly fully embracing the sequel.You can see why, it's a pretty professional production: Watch in HD No comments yet, be the first! As far as Modern Warfare 3 the game is concerned, we've had a barrel full of media in the past week. Tom Pakinkis

Ubisoft drops From Dust DRM

Ubisoft is to release a patch for the PC version of From Dust that will remove online authentication DRM entirely. According to Rock Paper Shotgun, the publisher originally stated the game would require a one-off online activation, before later deciding it would always need an active internet connection to launch. If the latest post on the matter by a Ubisoft forum manager is to believed, that won't be the case for much longer."We recognize that one of our posts in the From Dust forum regarding the need for authentication in the game was not clear," it reads. "We sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding."Our tech teams are working on a patch that should release in approximately two weeks that will eliminate the need for any online authentication. This development time is required as we are working to ensure that those who have already started the game, and who's progress is currently saved on our servers, will receive and save their game information locally."Once the patch is ready, players who already have the game will automatically receive the update on their next login and subsequent game sessions will be 100% offline."Earlier this month, Ubisoft also backtracked on the use of always-on DRM for Driver: San Francisco following negative consumer feedback. Tom Ivan


Max Payne 3 First Look Payne Is Back!

Max Payne 3News (18)Previews (1)ReviewVideos (2)Screenshots (30)Cheats and WalkthroughsMax Payne 3News (18)Previews (1)ReviewVideos (2)Screenshots (30)Cheats and WalkthroughsMax Payne 3News (18)Previews (1)ReviewVideos (2)Screenshots (30)Cheats and Walkthroughs Max Payne is back, baby, in all his gritty, violent, bullet-spewing glory! G4's own Miguel Concepion was fortunate enough to get a first look at Max Payne 3, and bring back word on how it's shaping up. The initial reaction: It's great. The third game in the series keeps what has always worked about Payne, while incorporating recent gameplay innovations. Check out a sample of our Max Payne 3 first look:"It was when I saw Max in the hallway that all the memories started to flood in. We all spent many, many hours in the hallways of the previous games and the superb graphical detail in Max Payne 3 made me think that a remake of the original game wouldn’t be a bad idea. Things become even more familiar when Max makes his first slow-motion leap toward a couple of mob goons, unloading rounds in classic Payne fashion. It turns into a thrilling charge down subsequent hallways as Max wields standard issue firearms like the dual pistols and a shotgun."Read the rest of our Max Payne 3 preview.

Need for Speed The Run video interview t

Need For Speed The Run is looking very exciting indeed. It's a racing game with a full-fat plot that sees racers charging across the United States. This is a video interview, courtesy of the official PS Blog, with Executive Producer Jason DeLong talking about how the plot ties the racing action together, the different types of events players have to look forward to and how it got the reference needed to make a race across the entire US. You can also check out the latest Need for Speed The Run trailers and screens that came out of Gamescom last week. Mike Jackson

New Diablo 3 screens and artwork

Blizzard has launched a large batch of new Diablo 3 media, including screens from the beta and fresh artwork. If that's not enough for you, check out this newly released eight minute gameplay movie from the beta.Earlier this week Blizzard revealed that Diablo 3 will have a new auction house feature that will let player buy and sell items with real money, leaving CVG editor Tim Ingham feeling a little uneasy. Tom Ivan


Red Dead Redemption 'Myths & Mavericks' s

Rockstar has released new screenshots of Red Dead Redemtion's upcoming free download content, the Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack. As Rockstar explained in its original announcement: "The Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack will feature new fan-favorite multiplayer characters by popular demand (including a certain grizzled ol' gunslinger as pictured above) as well as new multiplayer locations for players of Deathmatch, Grab the Bag, Gang matches and other popular online modes to get busy in."A full list of the content is through here.Rockstar says the free DLC, headed to both PSN and Xbox Live on September 13, comes "as a show of appreciation for the awesome long-term support for the game's multiplayer modes since its release in 2010". Mike Jackson

Batman Arkham City - Robin Edition exclu

Customers who pre-order Batman: Arkham City from GAME or Gamestation will receive exclusive access to the Tim Drake Robin DLC pack, unlocking the sidekick as a fully playable character in the title's improved challenge mode. Robin will boast his own unique gadgets and special moves and be playable in all challenge maps in the game, as well as two additional challenge maps included with the DLC - Black Mask Hideout and Freight Train Escape. The offer will also contain a Red Robin character skin. Last week, Tesco said it is offering an exclusive Joker's Carnival challenge map to customers who pre-order the game. Tom Ivan

Early Access Realm of the Titans Pre-CB P



By Darren Henderson (DizzyPW), OnRPG Editor-in-Chief。




At the press event, there were two maps available for play. They are called Titan’s Eye and Omeka Divide. Omeka Divide is your standard 3 lane map designed for 5v5 combat albeit with one of the most winding and confusing jungles known to MOBA games. The goal of the map is also pretty typical. Push the enemy back to their control points, statues that occasionally spawn minions on steroids, then turn these control points on your enemy and destroy their base core to win. But for those looking for something a little more unusual, Titan’s Eye is for you.。

If you’re looking for even more of a whacky goal to shoot for in a game, take a look at Realm of the Titans’ achievement list. Here you will find some off the wall challenging goals to aim for in a game such as earn 6 kills in 30 seconds or go 20 minutes in a game without buying boots of speed. Some of the more difficult achievements will even unlock special titles that can be worn above your head in-game to intimidate your foes. Of course this led the press to question if these achievements might cause people to throw games while pursuing their non-win related goals. Travis assured us this would not be an issue because your achievement is voided out if you earn it but lose the game.。

For those few who are still in the dark about Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas, I say to you.. for shame! MOBAs are built around short session combat in which two teams duel it out to kill each other and, ultimately, destroy the enemy’s base. Along the way you earn gold to purchase various items that add a real strategic feel to the genre unlike anything else offered in the MMO world. The easier way I can explain it to someone not in the know is that it feels like you are a powerful minion in a 2 sided tower defense game.。







Now my first reaction when I learned of the 59 total champions was ‘why not release them at launch?’ Travis Hawk had a satisfying answer to my outcry. Turns out there is a very strong fan base for MOBA games among the Aeria Games staff. As such, when they got their hands on the heroes they soon realized that there were some heroes seriously lacking in usefulness and some that were intensely overpowering. Thanks to Aeria’s close relationship with the developers, they are able to delay the release of these champions and address directly what needs to be done to prepare and balance the champions before going live on their servers. Maybe it’s the cynicism I’ve developed towards MMO games over my lifetime, but I find it easier to sleep at night knowing that the publishing company of a game is acting as a firewall between me and the developers so that only tested and approved content makes it live on the game servers.。





Titan’s Eye breaks the norm by introducing a mission aside from the main quest to destroy the enemy’s base. A total kill count goal is set at the beginning of the game based on how many players are present within the game, with the maximum being 66 for 5v5 and 15 for 1v1 matches. If your team reaches this quota before destroying the enemy base, you win! Of course it is encouraged that players win by this kill based quota, and so respawn times following death are reduced by roughly 90% to keep the action constantly flowing.。

Besides polish and looks, Realm of the Titans is using its Chinese release to one up the competition in the realm of content. Although their homepage only shows 13 Heroes on display, this is pure trolling. At the press event there were closer to 20 Heroes available for use, with a grand total of 59 Heroes existing to be released. As Associate Producer Travis Hawk assured me, Realm of the Titans is looking to follow a 2 week continuous content release starting from launch. That means new champions, new skins, and constant feedback, tweaking, balance, and bug patching to keep the game feeling fresh and dynamic.。

Hey OnRPG viewers! My apologies for the lack of updates over the weekend. I have once again gone to Santa Clara to meet with Aeria Games for an early press preview of their upcoming MOBA, Realm of the Titans.。


In part 2 of this column I will be stepping away from the overarching concepts of the game to give you the juicy details of the Heroes, Titan Skills, Titan Skill Amping, and map layouts. Expect to see it before the end of the week! Until then, Dizzy’s Early Access is signing out.。

Edit: Be sure to check out Aeria's new Realm of the Titans Titan's Eye Preview Video!。




As for the viewers that are already in the know, I’m sure by now you are getting tired of my rambling and just want me to answer the question, “Does Realm of the Titans stand on par with League of Legends?” My answer is yes.。

But why stop there? Realm of the Titans is dedicated to make itself as Esport friendly as possible. They are implementing a 1 or 2 man ‘Referee System’ in which neutral parties can place themselves on the map in observer mode but view the battle live. This is an ideal system for youtube enthusiasts and live streams of tournaments alike!。



Realm of the Titans, much like Aeria’s previous release Eden Eternal, is heading towards launch with a powerful weapon at its disposal. It has already been launched in China and has gained a lot of tweaking, balancing, and bug fixes prior to seeing the light of day in America. In fact I found no bugs or glitches in my entire afternoon playing the game. The game is also highly polished graphically, bringing in beautiful maps, well defined unique looking characters, and clear cut skill animations that never leave you puzzled over what happened in an intense team fight. The special effects in this game are dazzling from moment to moment, but the ultimate skills left me in shock and awe.。





If you’re interested in a more active feature, you’ll be happy to know that bot games exist in Realm of the Titans to help players hone their skills. But these aren’t your grandma’s wimpy autofeed bots you have gotten so used to from other MOBA games. Set the bots difficulty to hard and you will find yourself fighting for survival as the bots acquire experience gain bonuses and use them to pounce and punish any player caught out of position.。





Realm of the Titans really has the full features at the ready to make this game an ideal candidate for Esports. Wish you could catch a glimpse of the pros in action while having your morning cereal? Realm of the Titans has a fully functional and detailed observer mode that will be ready at launch! This mode allows you to sit in on a game with a 5 minute delay to avoid cheating. While sitting in, you can observe both teams or set fog of war up to keep things mysterious. You can view personal stats of each hero, the overall gold acquired by each team, the skill and item progression of each hero, and even the current cool down timers limiting that hero’s skill use!。

The same is true for of the items on display on the website. Though they show quite a large variety of items on the homepage, it’s not an accurate depiction of the sheer variety of items and builds you can create on a game to game basis. The items also feature diverse build paths that result in a variety of end game items featuring powerful active abilities that also freeze, cc, and other side effects. Oh having 8 item slots to work with doesn’t hurt customization either!

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