
How to Negotiate a Divorce

In a marriage dissolution proceeding, one stage of the divorce process involves attempting a settlement of issues with your spouse, according to "The Divorce Organizer & Planner" by Brette McWhorter Sember. The fact is that a majority of divorcing couples are able to resolve at least a portion of the matters at issue between them. Although no set formula exists for reaching a settlement with your spouse, some common practices likely can prove helpful to you in your own divorce negotiations.

Step 1
Make a list of major issues in your divorce case, including property and debt division, child custody, and any other matters that require resolution during the course of your marriage dissolution proceedings.

Step 2
Rank specific issues in order of importance to you. For example, if obtaining primary residential custody of the children is vital to you, make such a notation on your list. On the other hand, if there are items of personal property that do not mean much to you, make a notation of that fact as well.

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Step 3
Schedule an initial meeting with your spouse regarding settling issues associated with the divorce. If you have many issues to dicuss, you might agree to address specific issues during the initial session, and to deal with the remaining matters at a later date.

Step 4
Meet with your spouse as scheduled. Take turns staking out positions regarding different issues. Immediately record areas of agreement in writing. Continue the session for a reasonable period of time,
Rift Gold perhaps not more than two hours, noting in writing all matters you agree upon. At the conclusion of the session, both you and your spouse sign off on the written notes outlining agreements reached to date.

Step 5
Schedule another settlement discussion session at the conclusion of the first meeting. Repeat the process until you reach agreement on most, if not all, divorce-related issues.

Step 6
Schedule a session, or more as needed, with a mediator if you reach a sticking point on some issues. A mediator is a professional with the training necessary to facilitate discussion and negotiation between you and your spouse on issues left unresolved through your direct efforts. She does not make decisions for you. Rather, she merely assists you and your spouse in reaching a settlement.

Step 7
Obtain a settlement agreement form from the clerk of the court where your divorce case pends. RIFT Platinum Record the specifics of the agreements you and your spouse have made.

Step 8
Sign the divorce settlement agreement in front of a notary public. rift gold Both you and your spouse sign the document.

Step 9
Submit the divorce settlement agreement to the judge presiding in your case for review and approval. RIFT Platinum Any outstanding issues are resolved through a hearing or trial before the judge. Her decisions on these matters will be included in the final divorce decree。

