Earlier this year New Zealand won a World TradeOrganisation ruling in a 90-year battle to get its apples into theAustralian market.。"To expect us to simply accept New Zealand's word on everything,friendship aside, is not realistic,ドラクエ10 RMT. We do have the right to useacceptable scientific protocols," he said.。Cobb said the ruling doesn't prevent Australia from placinginspectors in New Zealand, or auditing New Zealand's exportprotocols even if they were deemed commercially sensitive.。He said it wouldn't be a breach of the recent WTO ruling thatrequires Australia to accept Kiwi apples, as the decision merelysaid Australia's existing protocols were too tough.。But opposition agriculture spokesman John Cobb plans tointroduce a private member's bill when parliament returns from itswinter recess in August, to amend quarantine legislation to ensure"adequate protections" for Australia's domestic apple crop.。
- Source: Photos,ダークブラッド RMT.com